APA Style

Rudneva, Irina. (2014). Biomarkers for Stress in Fish Embryos and Larvae (1st). Boca Rotan: CRC Press.

Chicago Style

Rudneva, Irina. Biomarkers for Stress in Fish Embryos and Larvae. 1st Boca Rotan: CRC Press, 2014. Electronic Resource.

MLA Style

Rudneva, Irina. Biomarkers for Stress in Fish Embryos and Larvae. 1st Boca Rotan: CRC Press, 2014. Electronic Resource.

Turabian Style

Rudneva, Irina. Biomarkers for Stress in Fish Embryos and Larvae. 1st Boca Rotan: CRC Press, 2014. Electronic Resource.